Page 71 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 71
The Secret Beyond Matter 69
The Formation of Perceptions in the Brain is not
Philosophy but Scientific Fact
Materialists claim that what we have been presenting here is a philo-
sophical view. However, to hold that we never have direct experience of the
original of the "external world" is not a matter of philosophy but a plain sci-
entific fact. How images and feelings form in the brain is taught in detail in
all medical schools. These facts, proven by 20th-century science, and partic-
ularly by physics, clearly show that matter does not have an absolute reality
and that everyone in a sense is watching the "monitor in his brain".
Everyone who believes in science, be he an atheist, Buddhist, or of any
other persuasion, has to accept this fact. A materialist might deny the exis-
tence of a Creator in his own limited understanding, yet he cannot deny this
scientific reality.
The inability of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Georges Politzer and oth-
ers to comprehend such a simple and evident fact still seems startling, even
although the level of scientific understanding and range of possibilities of
their times were less than adequate. In our time, science and technology are
highly advanced and recent discoveries make it easier to comprehend this
fact. Materialists, on the other hand, are stricken with the fear of both com-
prehending this fact, albeit partially, and realising how definitively it demol-
ishes their philosophy.
The Great Fear of the Materialists
For quite some time now, materialists
have been loudly giving vent to their fear
and panic in their publications, conferences
and panel discussions. Their agitated and
hopeless discourses imply that they are suf-
fering from a severe intellectual crisis. The
scientific collapse of the theory of evolution,
the so-called basis of their philosophy, had
already come as a great shock to them. Now, Turkish materialist writer
Rennan Pekunlu says that "the the-
they have come to realise that they are start-
ory of evolution is not so impor-
ing to lose matter itself, which is a greater tant, the real threat is this subject,"
mainstay for them than Darwinism, and the because he is aware that this sub-
ject reveals how the absoluteness
shock they experience as a result is even
of matter, the only concept in
which he has faith, is a grave