Page 73 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 73
The Secret Beyond Matter 71
Nevertheless, the general picture is that a great number of materialist
scientists still take a very superficial stand against the fact that "we never
have direct experience of the original of matter." The subject explained in
this chapter is one of the most important and most exciting subjects that
one can ever come across in his life. There is no chance of ever having faced
such a crucial subject before. Still, the reactions of these scientists and the
manner they adopt in their speeches and articles hint at how superficial
their comprehension is.
The reactions of some materialists to the subject discussed here show in
no uncertain manner that their blind adherence to materialism has caused
some kind of a flaw in their logic and for this reason, they are far removed
from comprehending the subject. For instance, Alaattin Senel, also an acade-
mician and a writer for Bilim ve Utopya, delivered himself of similar mes-
sages as Rennan Pekunlu saying: "Forget the collapse of Darwinism, the
really threatening subject is this one," and issued such challenges as "so
you prove what you say," sensing that his own philosophy is groundless.
What is more interesting is that this writer himself has shown in his writings
that he can by no means grasp this fact which he considers to be a menace.
For instance, in an article in which he exclusively discussed this sub-
ject, Senel accepts that the external world is perceived in the brain as an
image. However, he then goes on to write: "I do not know whether the
images in my brain have correlates in the external world or not, but the
same thing applies when I speak on the phone. When I speak on the tele-
phone, I cannot see the person I am speaking to but I can have this conver-
sation confirmed when I later see him face to face." 56
By saying so, this writer actually means the following: "If we doubt our
perceptions, we can look at matter itself and check its reality." However, this
is an evident misconception, because it is impossible for us to reach matter
itself. We can never get out of our minds and know what is "out-
side". Whether the voice on the phone has a correlate or not
can be confirmed by the person on the phone. Howev-
er, this confirmation is also a confirmation experi-
enced by the mind.
As a matter of fact, the same events may be
experienced also in dreams. For instance, Senel
may also see in his dream that he speaks on the
phone and then have this conversation con-