Page 77 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 77

dren, spouses, friends, rank and status,
            and even their own bodies, the originals of
            all of which they deem to know, slipping
            out of their reach, they are "destroyed" in a
            sense. At this point, they are no longer material
            entities but souls.
                 No doubt, realising this truth is the worst possible
            situation for materialists. This is tantamount, in their own
            words, to "death before dying" in this world.
                 With the verse, "Leave Me alone, (to deal) with the
            (creature) whom I created (bare and) alone", Allah reveals the
            fact that each human being is, in truth, all alone in His presence.
            (Surat al- Muddaththir, 11). This remarkable fact is repeated in
            many other verses:
                 And behold! You come to us bare and alone as We created you for the first
                 time: you have left behind you all (the favours) which We bestowed on
                 you… (Surat al-An'am, 94)

                 And each one of them will come to Him on the Day of Resurrection, alone.
                 (Surah Maryam, 95)
                 This, on another level, is what the verses indicate: those who ignorant-
            ly take matter as their god (surely Allah is beyond that) have nevertheless
            come from Allah and must return to Him. They must submit their wills to
            Allah whether they want to or not. Now they must wait for the Day of
            Judgement when every one of them will be called to account, however
            unwilling they may be to acknowledge this.

                 The subject we have explained so far is one of the greatest truths that
            will ever be told to you in your lifetime. Proving that we never have direct
            experience of the original of matter, this subject is the key to comprehending
            the existence of and creation by Allah, and to understanding that He is the
            only absolute being.
                 The person who understands this subject realises that the world is not
            the sort of place it is surmised by most people to be. The world is not an
            absolute place, of which we know the original, as supposed by those who
            wander aimlessly about in the streets, who get into fights in pubs, who
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