Page 27 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 27
event. Such an occurrence would be indistinguishable from a mira-
cle. 8
The so-called accidental coming into being suggested by evo-
lutionists is of course impossible. As we shall soon be seeing in de-
tail, a single bacterium's structure and features both disprove the
claim that they could have come into existence spontaneously.
These organisms, described as "simple" by Darwinists—perform, in
the words of the British zoologist Sir James Gray—more activities
than an entire laboratory:
A bacterium is far more complex than any inanimate system known
to man. There is not a laboratory in the world, which can compete
with the biochemical activity of the smallest living organism . . . 9
The bacterium's superior structure basically includes a DNA
molecule and few organelles. Allah has installed this laboratory
and its superior technical equipment and unbounded data into a
single DNA molecule, a small part of a cell that is itself invisible to
the naked eye.
Now let us examine the DNA molecule, the most important
part of the complex bacterial structure.
One Fact Darwinists Cannot Explain:
The Structure of Bacterial DNA
The information in the DNA in a single bacterium is equivalent to HARUN YAHYA
20 novels of 100,000 words each. 10
Bacteria possess not only hundreds of different features, but al-
so DNA that exhibits a superior Creation. There are 5375 nucleoti-
des in the DNA of the smallest known bacterium, theta-x-174. (ADNAN OKTAR)