Page 31 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 31

Complex processes during cell divi-
                           Young cell        sion—such as DNA copying, copy
                                             production, transformation, cell divi-
                                             sion and chromosome division—are
                                             all flawlessly coordinated.
         DNA replication
                                                    protein known as CtrA
  Copies are attached tot he membrane
       As the mem-                                  coordinates DNA replica-
       brane wides,
         the copies                                 tion within the cell of the
      separate from                                 bacterium C. crescentus. .
         each other
                                                    CtrA, controls and alters
                                     Membrane devel-
                 DNA replication      opment region  a great many biological
                                                    structures while carrying
        New walls                                   out     cell   division.
         form be-
        tween rep-                                  Interestingly, CtrA is it-
                                                    self controlled by two el-
                                                    ements known as phos-
                                                    phorylation and proteol-
                                                    ysis. In other words, sys-

                                                    tems that appear to act
                          Newly formed cells
                                                    independently in this
            system actually work together in a coordinated manner for the task
            to be performed. Complex processes such as replication of DNA
            and chromosome division must all be fully coordinated during cell
            division. The failure of any one system will lead to a halt in the cell-
            division process and the death of both new-formed cells. The pres-       HARUN YAHYA

            ence of factors like CtrA to ensure coordination inside the cell is an
            important proof of the irreducible complexity of bacterial cell divi-
                 We encounter a similarly complex structure in the bacterium E.
            coli. Its cell division system depends on a structure known as FtsZ—     (ADNAN OKTAR)

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