Page 36 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 36
The Consciousness Exhibited in a Single Cell
Bacteria are present everywhere, all over the world. There may
be billions of them, of millions of different species, in a single gar-
den. Bacteria may display various effects depending on their loca-
tions, yet we remain generally unaware of most of them because
only under an electron microscope can we see the superior intelli-
gence manifested in the microworld.This tiny, yet widespread
world that we cannot see directly consists of responsive entities that
perform their responsibilities flawlessly, take precautions when
danger looms, and carry out the most complex chemical processes.
Each bacterium has been perfectly created as the work of Allah. Let
us now examine the features of this superior Creation, under vari-
ous headings.
The microworld consists of seemingly conscious individual cells that flaw-
lessly fulfill their own tasks, take precautionary measures when necessary
or when danger looms, and which carry out the most complex chemical pro-