Page 40 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 40

Cell division
              7- Spore for-  spores
              mation and                                            Cell wall
              their release   Non-reproducing
                                                                                Plasma mem-
                                       Spor ka-
                                       bu¤u         1- Filament                 brane
              6-                                    formation                   DNA
              Completion               Upper layer
              of sheath
              synthesis              Nucleus
                                       Spore sheath       2- Septum

              5- Sheath

                                 Upper layer        3- The swallowing
                                                    of the first emergin
                  4- Upper
                  layer forma-

                  The bacterium protects its offspring, or sister cell, in order to
                  ensure the survival of its line, and sacrifices itself to that end.
                  This process, known as sporulation, is illustrated in the above

                  single-celled living things possess to ensure their de-
                  scendants' survival. A bacterium that senses that the pre-
         THE MICROWORLD MIRACLE  ner. The main cell constituting the spore has no qualms
                  vailing conditions are not suitable for life immediately re-
                  alizes it is time to divide and acts in a self-sacrificial man-

                  about becoming a protein sheath. It cannot foresee the

                  survival of its line or know beforehand how to ensure
                  that survival. But can bacteria make such a decision?

        38        How is the bacterium selected that will have to die in the
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