Page 38 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 38
Bacteria Produce Spores to Preserve and Reproduce
Bacteria take many different forms, whose appearances vary
according to their environment. Many of them sporulate—that is,
develop resistant forms known as spores, which can withstand ex-
cessive heat, cold or dryness. That's why some bacteria are so diffi-
cult to destroy. So what is this thing we refer to as sporulation?
Bacteria can thrive under very different conditions according
to their species, but begin dividing when conditions are impaired.
Under normal conditions, this division results in two offspring with
exactly the same inherited features as the original cell. However,
when conditions are disrupted or nutrients become limited, bacte-
ria realize that the environment has become more difficult, and take
precautions to ensure their descendants' survival. Division into two
still takes place, but now, cells emerge that are not identical.
The reason for this inequality is the fact that only one of the
two cells will live.
The larger, main cell absorbs its sibling, just like a protector.
For 10 hours it will use all its energy to nourish it and permits the
formation of a special protein sheath that will assist the protection
of the smaller cell. In this way, the bacterium that develops inside
one of the two parts forms a strong individual able to look after it-
THE MICROWORLD MIRACLE results is referred to as a spore. Therefore, in addition to normal di-
self. The other dies, having given all its protective features to its sib-
ling and turns into a protective sheath. This resistant structure that
vision, bacteria are easily able to disseminate themselves all over
the world by means of such spores.
Here we are faced with an example of a special Creation that