Page 82 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 82
Bacteria Produce Light for Nocturnally Hunting Fish
There is a mutually beneficial relationship between the bob-
tailed squid (Euprymna scolopes) and luminescent bacteria (Vibrio fis-
cheri), which live in a fold beneath the squid's mantle. This region is
known as the squid's luminous organ.
The squid spends its days hidden beneath the sand in shallow
waters. When night falls, and it emerges to hunt, the bacteria in its
luminous organ begin emitting light. This light enables the animal
not to be seen among the night lights and also prevents its enemies
from recognizing it. Scientists investigating how the bacteria affect-
ed the formation of different tissues discovered that there was a
special tissue in the squid's light organ to allow the V. fischeri bacte-
ria to settle inside its body and thus provide an ideal habitat for
them. 48
squid (Euprymna scolopes) and a light-emitting bacterium (Vibrio fischeri)
80 There is a relationship based on mutual advantage between the short-tailed