Page 86 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 86
in one evolutionist source:
The DNA code is a genetic 'language' that communicates informa-
tion to the cell. The cell is very complicated, using many DNA in-
structions to control its every function. The amount of information
in the DNA of even the single-celled bacterium, E. coli, is vast in-
deed. It is greater than the information contained in all the books in
any of the world's largest libraries.
(. . .) E. coli cells, the sequence of letters of its DNA is very specific.
Only that particular sequence is capable of biological function. 51
It is not fully known how this bacterium's functions come
about, nor whether any benefit accrues to it from this symbiotic life-
style. But some of these bacteria transmit their requirements to the
intestine cells, causing them to secrete sugar, which the bacteria can
then use for food. So long as the bacteria are present in the human
intestine, they carry out various functions such as digestion and vi-
tamin absorption while preventing other, more harmful species of
bacteria from becoming numerous
enough to cause sickness.
With the help of the bac-
THE MICROWORLD MIRACLE The intestinal bacterium
Escherichia coli which per-
forms such vital functions
in human beings as diges-
tion and the absorption of