Page 90 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 90
However, nitrosamines—those that sometimes enter the body
directly and those that are produced within it—are eliminated be-
fore doing any harm, thanks to the bacteria charged with protecting
the human body.
Researchers recently discovered that 25% of the nitrates ab-
sorbed into the body with food returned to the cells in the mouth
by mixing with saliva, ready to be turned into nitrite. The reason for
this was previously unknown, because nitrite is a potentially harm-
ful substance and there is no advantage for them to be manufac-
tured in the body. Only later was it understood that nitrites combin-
ing with the acid in saliva prevents the formation of nitrosamine in
the body. But nitrites are also very toxic to various harmful bacte-
ria. Therefore, nitrite was specially returned to our mouths to mix
with the food we eat. Food entering our mouths ceased to be harm-
ful, and at the same time, any harmful organisms within it were
killed as soon as the food containing them was chewed up.
But where is nitrite produced in the body? Where is it kept?
Nitrate is converted into nitrite by bacteria in a region at the back of
the tongue where the bacteria are particularly numerous. The bac-
teria that convert nitrate live in fissures be-
tween the taste buds at the back of the
tongue, where oxygen cannot reach.
THE MICROWORLD MIRACLE How did these bacteria in the picture to the
Known as facultative anaerobes,
side realize that nitrate is harmful to the
body and decide to base themselves in our
tongues to eliminate it? Evolutionists can
never answer that question. Yet the answer
is manifest: These bacteria are obeying a
command given them by Allah.