Page 10 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 10


                  As you watch television, read the newspaper, or pass by
              somewhere, you run into many issues which you would
              rather not hear about or see. People abandoned to hunger,
              murders, massacres, the oppressed unable to stand up for
              their rights, discord, curses, insulting and demeaning
              language, and general unrest, for which the blame can be
              attributed to conflicts of interests, and tyrannies and so on...
                  There is no doubt that you, like everyone else, would like
              to live in a society where people are committed to peace and
              security, where people hesitate to oppress or harm one
              another, and always hear good, loving, caring, and honoring
              words from one another. Such an environment, ensuring a
              structure of relationships shaped by respect and love, is
              everyone's dream.  As you flip through channels on
              television, turn the pages of a newspaper, at home or at your
              workplace, you would love to see happy, joyful, friendly,
              sincere, honest, respectful people of good nature displaying
              moral perfection. Surely, you would like to hear nothing but
              good news.
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