Page 11 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 11


                  However, hoping that one day things will spontaneously
              change for the better would only be wishful thinking.
              Therefore, those who are sincerely willing to live in a society
              where peace, security and freedom prevail, should waste no

              time in taking action and be willing to make certain
                  Once you carefully evaluate events unfolding around
              with intelligence, conscience and common sense, you will
              recognize the existence of people who are whole-heartedly
              committed to establishing all the values of goodness
              mentioned above, and who devote all their time, resources
              and energy to this cause. While these people, wholly devoted
              to an all-out effort to make righteousness and good prevail,
              are exposed to unfair treatment from time to time, or
              intimidated by those parties against goodness, you must
              never let it discourage you. That is because, by the Will of
              God, the people who strive for goodness will certainly
              triumph over those who are wicked. So, you must unite with
              these "good" people, who are sincere, compassionate, true,
              just, honest, merciful, tolerant, fair, optimistic, charitable,

              unpretentious and forgiving, and offer them all your
                  When you look around, as well as the good, you can also
              identify the evil ones and the type of society they intend to
              establish. In our day, the "evil ones" have established an
              apparently powerful alliance, and most likely, through their
              various methods, have silenced and intimidated many
              people advocating good morals. Behind all the evil you are
              not willing to acknowledge around, but which you can
              nonetheless not avoid, namely tyranny, corruption,
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