Page 16 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 16

                                  THE ALLIANCE OF THE GOOD

              efforts do not require great sacrifices. Some of them may even
              be aware that with such charity work, they can ingratiate
              themselves to people surrounding them, wanting to be
              admired for their efforts. Ultimately, another motivation for

              their interest in such charity work may be to ease their
                  However, the purpose of the "good", who are the subject
              of this book, is loftier and more noble. The "alliance of the
              good", formed by people committed unconditionally to
              remain among the good and offer complete support to this
              end, acquires immense strength and brings forth
              unprecedented results in the shortest possible time. Grudge,
              hatred, mercilessness, insincerity, lying, injustice, penetrating
              into the societies of the world today, can only be removed by
              the "alliance of the good". Only people with high morals can
              stop the harm such corruption brings to the world.
                  None of these goals should seem remote, imaginary or
              unattainable to the reader.  As you read, you will also
              acknowledge that joining with the "alliance of the good" is
              amenable to anyone. Be they a housewife, a high school

              student, a tradesman, or a professor, every conscientious
              person living by moral principles and committed to the
              dissemination of such values in society is capable of
              associating with the good. For this end, you must set aside
              your prejudices, presuppositions, and the ideas of right and
              wrong you have acquired earlier in life. The next step will be
              to look around you to identify the true good and the true evil.
              In the process, you will have to adopt a single criterion: the
              Qur'an, the only guide sent to mankind by God. That is
              because, only God knows who are the truly good or the truly
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