Page 41 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 41
Leaders of the Evil's Alliance
He (God) will say, 'Enter the Fire together with the
nations of jinn and men who have passed away before
you.' Each time a nation enters, it will curse its sister
nation, until, when they are all gathered together in it,
the last of them will say to the first, 'Our Lord, those are
the ones who misguided us, so give them a double
punishment in the Fire.' He will say, 'Each will receive
double. But you do not know it.' The first of them will
say to the last, 'You are in no way superior to us so taste
the punishment for what you earned.' As for those who
deny Our Signs and are arrogant regarding them, the
Gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, and they
will not enter the Garden until a camel goes through a
needle's eye. That is how We repay the evildoers. (Surat
al-A'raf: 38-40)
However, the power held by the leaders of the
disbelievers would then bring neither benefit nor harm to
them or the people following them. The possessor of all
might and property is our Lord, God. No one can do any
good or any harm to another person unless by the Will of
God. Throughout history, believers having faith in this truth
remained neither under the influence of Pharaoh, nor
Nimrod, nor any other evil leader. Fearing God alone, they
always sought God's good pleasure and firmly guarded
against evil. For instance, in the Qur'an God informs us that
the majority of the people of Moses feared the cruelty of the
Pharaoh and his immediate circle, and hence, did not submit
to the right path. Only a few young people took sides with
Moses. Similarly, the magicians assigned by Pharaoh to hatch
a plot against the prophet Moses (as) saw the truth and