Page 45 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 45

                               The Intricacies of the Evil's Alliance

              believer."(Surat an-Nisa':14). It is confirmed in other verses
              that God will help His good servants:

                  Those who were expelled from their homes without any
                  right, merely for saying, 'Our Lord is God'. If God had
                  not driven some people back by means of others,
                  monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, where
                  God's name is mentioned much, would have been
                  pulled down and destroyed. God will certainly help
                  those who help Him -God is All-Strong, Almighty;
                  Those who, if We establish them firmly on the earth,
                  will establish salat (regular prayer) and pay zakat
                  (regular charity), and command what is right and forbid
                  what is wrong. The end result of all affairs is with God.
                  (Surat al-Hajj: 40-41)
                  Though we must bear in mind that the activities carried
              out by the collaboration of the wicked are complex, the fact
              remains that a person who interprets the world according to
              the Qur'an will have no difficulty in recognising these
              intricacies, and grasp that many of the events he once took
              for granted are in reality part of a plan implemented by the
                  In the following pages, a number of examples of the
              devious and subtle approaches of the alliance of the evil will
              be provided. The purpose here is to help the sincere servants
              of God to recognise the evil around them and to show them
              a way out.

                  The Evil Try to Harm the Good by Speaking
                  Out Against Them

                  The most apparent trait of an insincere and devious
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