Page 49 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 49

                               TThe Intricacies of the Evil's Alliance

                  In the case of the Prophet Joseph (as), for instance, both
              his brothers and the wife of the master who adopted him
              plotted against him. However, there is a time, in absolutely
              certainty, when this plotting and slandering against believers
              will be punished. The slander made against Joseph by his
              brothers was the following:

                  They said, 'If he steals now, his brother stole before.'
                  But Joseph kept it to himself and still did not disclose it
                  to them, saying, 'The plight that you are in is worse than
                  that. God knows best the matter you describe.' (Surah
                  Yusuf: 77)
                  Those who raised false charges of adultery against Mary,
              and the honourable wife of our Prophet, and the ones who
              blamed other prophets with perversion and sorcery, all
              shared the same attitude. They knew without a doubt that
              the blessed people, who exhibited moral perfection
              throughout their lives, were far too virtuous and noble to
              commit any of these supposed misdeeds. However, only to
              degrade these noble people in the eyes of the public, and to
              shatter the trust and commitment people placed in these true

              believers, they resorted to such lowly forms of slander. Some
              of the words disbelievers uttered according to this rationale
              are mentioned in the Qur'an as follows:
                  They are surprised that a warner should come to them
                  from among themselves. The disbelievers say, 'This is a
                  lying magician. Has he turned all the gods into One
                  God? That is truly astonishing!' Their leaders went off
                  saying, 'Carry on as you are! Hold fast to your gods.
                  This is clearly something planned. We have not heard of
                  this in the old religion. This is merely something
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