Page 54 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 54

                                  THE ALLIANCE OF THE GOOD

                  us and our people with truth. You are the best of
                  judges.' (Surat al-A'raf: 89)
                  They said, 'We are returning to our Lord. You are only
                  avenging yourself on us because we believed in our
                  Lord's Signs when they came to us. Our Lord, pour
                  down steadfastness upon us and take us back to You as
                  Muslims.' (Surat al-A'raf: 125-126)

                  The Evil Try to Humiliate the Good

                  Before the Eyes of People

                  Mocking believers and speaking ill of them are some of
              the methods adopted by the wicked against the righteous, in
              an attempt to humiliate believers and make them seem
              insignificant and worthless in the eyes of others. Their
              purpose in this case is to eradicate the good, to hinder the
              spread of moral values based on the teachings of the Qur'an,
              and prevent people from following their way.
                  The truly good, conscientious and sincere, also invite
              their fellow men to live by the same conscientiousness and
              sincerity. They are highly committed to communicating to
              them the blessings of Qur'anic morals, the reality of the Day
              of Judgement and the hereafter, and the importance of
              having fear for God. Their sincerity usually makes a positive
              impression on the majority of people, fostering faith in God,
              good morals, righteousness, blessings, conscientiousness,
              loyalty, support, respect and love. Those harbouring enmity
              towards one another or otherwise dissidenting people unite,
              thanks to the positive influence effected by the good.
                  No doubt, such improvements to society are not in
              accordance with the plan of the evil, the envious and those
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