Page 53 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 53
The Intricacies of the Evil's Alliance
the good, safety and well-being of the good. They strongly
advise the good not to collaborate with believers, and stress
that that they say so to ensure their safety and well-being,
and that otherwise, they will have to suffer the dire
consequences. With this approach, they hope to imply that
everyone who sides with the believers and supports them
will get into trouble, undergo great tribulation, and suffer
much loss. In addition, as a warning to others, they punish a
few of the good through their various methods and broadcast
their menacing message. On the other hand, they will never
neglect to give promises to them to provide all forms of
support and protection, on the condition of breaking with the
good. The leaders of the Prophet Shu'ayb's (as) people also
covertly threatened the followers of Shu'ayb:
The ruling circle of those of his people who were
disbelieving said, 'If you follow Shu'ayb, you will
definitely be lost.' (Surat al-A'raf: 90)
The true good, patient, brave and resistant believers, who
were committed to their cause and harboured only the fear of
God in their hearts, guarded against evil and ignored such
threats. None of the threats or pressure employed by the
disbelievers changed their attitude; they proceeded on the
right way as commanded by God. The answer the Prophet
Shu'ayb (as) gave to his people who had threatened him, and
the words of magicians to the Pharaoh, are telling examples:
We would be inventing lies against God if we returned
to your religion after God has saved us from it. We
could never return to it unless God our Lord so willed.
Our Lord encompasses everything in His knowledge.
We have put our trust in God. Our Lord, judge between