Page 55 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 55
The Intricacies of the Evil's Alliance
indulging in immorality. In order to reverse these positive
effects, the evil mock the good, accuse them of insanity,
shallow-mindedness, bigotry, deceit, imposture, the
intention being to bring them into disrepute. They think the
views and efforts of a person who is portrayed as insane or
as a forger could no longer win people's respect. This is a
tactic which has been employed for thousands of years by
deceitful and devious people, all disbelievers and hypocrites,
but which has never attained success.
History abounds with the stories of prophets, the
followers of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Islamic scholars
and true Muslims, who struggled for the good of humanity
and the improvement of morality, and who constantly met
insults and mockery. The insults and mockery only revealed
the true hatred and jealousy the wicked felt for the good. God
informs us that what they hide in their hearts is far worse
than what they say:
You who believe! Do not take any outside yourselves as
intimates. They will do anything to harm you. They
love what causes you distress. Hatred has appeared out
of their mouths, but what their breasts hide is far worse.
We have made the Signs clear to you if you use your
intellect. (Surah Ali 'Imran: 118)
As mentioned earlier, the underlying reason for the
aggressive attitude and hatred felt by the wicked towards the
good, is their not adhering to the wishes of the immoral and
unscrupulous people who do not observe God's limits, and
their considering God's commands and prohibitions over
and above their own desires. Meeting a conscientious
Muslim, who guards against evil and does not follow his ego