Page 48 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 48
disappointment both in this world and beyond. By the same
token, those striving to show the good ones as evil, the
trustworthy ones as traitors, and the loyal ones as liars, today
have already committed themselves to a similar end, unless
they repent and cease their evil ways. As God's messenger
(peace be upon him) also said "Accursed is he who harms a
believer, or acts deceitfully towards him." 2
We must also bear in mind that, no matter how they much
strive to the contrary, the wicked ones cannot lure God's
devoted servants to their side, nor make them resemble
themselves. That is because, good and righteous people are
far from what the evil say:
Corrupt women are for corrupt men and corrupt men
are for corrupt women, good women are for good men
and good men are for good women. The latter are
innocent of what they say. They will have forgiveness
and generous provision. (Surat an-Nur: 26)
For this reason, the evil, although greater in number, are
always much weaker than the good. Being well aware that by
nature believers are good and tender-hearted people, they
can resort only to"slander". To this end, they exploit every
possible opportunity.
As the Qur'an informs, throughout history, good and
sincere people were blamed of sorcery, lying, opportunism,
perversion, and subjected to various other forms of slander.
That is why, in no period of history, believers who became
the object of such slanderous accusations, were neither
surprised nor upset. On the contrary, experiencing these
events which also befell the prophets and true believers add
to their zeal.