Page 72 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 72
fact has dramatically changed today, giving way to an actual
advocacy of the rights of homosexuals, as far as presenting
this perversion as modern and a normal and "personal
preference". This outlook is propagated by the popular media
and the entertainment world. The public's inculcation into
similar immoral trends as perfectly acceptable "preferences",
thus laying the groundwork for their further diffusion
throughout society, is merely a consequence of the evil plans
orchestrated by the alliance of the evil.
In this time, when gambling, prostitution, and murder
evoke little reaction, it is essential that people wake-up to
reality. This is a time when the good, who are already
deprived of their essential rights and freedoms, are
oppressed and unjustly treated, whereas swindlers,
murderers and tyrants have the freedom to do what they
want. If innocent and defenceless people are murdered all
around the world, merely because they have faith in God and
because they say they are Muslims, and again, if those who
call themselves "Muslim" can remain ambivalent to all this
suffering, and dares to refer to it with a smile on his face, then
this is the work of the alliance of the evil. Restoring peace and
securing welfare, happiness, justice, tolerance, love and
respect in the world is only possible through recognition and
adherence to the values of the Qur'an. It is the believers who
are the living examples of this good character, and it will be
the alliance of the good that will ensure the prevalance of the
values of the Qur'an; this is the definite promise of God.
God has promised those of you who believe and do
right actions that He will make them successors in the
land as He made those before them successors, and will