Page 76 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 76
And (as for) the believing men and the believing
women, they are guardians of each other. They
command what is right and forbid what is wrong, and
establish prayer and pay alms, and obey God and His
Messenger. They are the people on whom God will
have mercy. God is Almighty, All-Wise. (Surat at-
Tawba: 71)
The word "guardian" means intimate, protector, helper
and supporter. In this sense, believers, honest, sincere and
conscientious people with high moral values, should support
each other, and be helpers and protectors of one another. Our
Beloved Prophet (pbuh) also stated this in his following
A believer is a mirror to another believer. A believer is a brother to
another believer. He saves him from losses. He safeguards his
interests in his absence. 5
The stories related in the Qur'an about the prophets
provide many examples about this practice. Moses, for
instance, killed a man by mistake when he sided with a man
who was in trouble. Then, he had to run away from the city
to save himself from the cruelty of the Pharaoh and the
leaders of the city. This is related in the verses as follows:
A man came running from the furthest part of the city,
saying, 'Moses, the Council are conspiring to kill you,
so leave! I am someone who brings you good advice.' So
he left there fearful and on his guard, saying, 'My Lord,
rescue me from the people of the wrongdoers!' (Surat al-
Qasas: 20-21)
The Prophet Moses (as) managed to leave the city
through a man who helped him as a favour to him. He then