Page 79 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 79
The Evil's Greatest Fear: The Alliance Of The Good
feature like peevishness, resentment or bickering should be
tolerated among the good. Putting forth effort to remove
such evil influences and adopting a compromising and
conciliatory attitude is a great act of worship
The believers are brothers, so make peace between your
brothers and have fear of God so that hopefully you
will gain mercy. (Surat al-Hujurat: 10)
Disputes, enmity, hatred and anger are the features of
immoral conduct inspired by the evil. True Muslims never
conduct themselves under the influence of these undesirable
feelings; they have fear for God and are always modest,
friendly, thoughtful and full of love in their relations. People
who are not sincere in their cause may feel jealous of their
closest friends and even of their own brothers and sisters.
Each other's success may stir up feelings of envy in their
hearts. On the contrary, a true Muslim takes pride in other
believers' success, and is happy for them as if it were his own
accomplishment, and feels grateful to God for the blessings
He has granted believers. Furthermore, he supports them in
their endeavour and offers guidance if necessary. Those
lacking such morals, on the other hand, hamper the progress
of others. Feelings of rivalry and jealousy spoil the good
deeds engaged in to attain the good pleasure of God, and
accordingly, ruins any beauty or blessings. God's Messenger,
the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also drew attention to this
point and advised the believers to guard against such bad
Do not envy each other, do not bid against each other, do not hate
each other, do not turn your backs on each other, and let none of you
sell upon the sale of another. Be slaves of God, brothers. A Muslim