Page 83 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 83
The Evil's Greatest Fear: The Alliance Of The Good
that believers see no limits in improving their alliance,
cooperation, friendship, solidarity and affection for another,
and never fall into a disagreement which will weaken them.
This spirit of believers is best stated in the words of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
You will observe that the believers are like the parts of the body in
relation to each other in matters of kindness, love and affection.
When one part of the body is afflicted, the entire body feels it; there
is loss of sleep and a fever develops. 10
The solidarity of the people, who purify themselves of
every form of worldly ambition, jealousy and
competitiveness, who channel every positive feeling, every
effort, and every activity for the good of others, without
making it a matter of personal pride, will break the resolve of
the alliance of the evil.
Not Valuing The Words of the Evil
The ultimate aim of the evil is to stir up enmity among
believers, to wreak their unity and weaken them. As the
foregoing makes clear, they are known by their efforts in
inventing lies and slandering the good, disgracing them and
bringing doubt upon their credibility. However, the stance
assumed by the good and conscientious will render such
efforts of the slanderers and those committed to evil
ineffective. That is because, the existence of people who do
not take these slanders seriously, turn a deaf ear to them, and
state they do not believe in them, will prevent any harm to
the wronged and hinder the evil ones from attaining their
mischievous goals.
Indeed, we know that the noble wife of Prophet