Page 86 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 86
Him. They must be told that the evil are actually weak and
unable to accomplish anything unless by the Will of God.
In a verse, God informs us of the fact that the good should
only have fear for Him and only keep company with those
who observe His limits:
You who believe! Have fear of God and be with the
truly sincere. (Surat at-Tawba: 119)
The Good Do Not Fear the
Censure of Censurers
A devout person only fears God and has a good grasp of
the fact that God is the possessor of all power. The only
reality these people are concerned with is the Day of
Judgement, which they prepare for all their lives. For this
reason, it is impossible to threaten such a person with
something related to this world, to dishearten them, or to
cause them anxiety, fear, hopelessness and pessimism. That is
why, the exuberant energy of such a person never abates, no
matter what comes upon him in life. Aware that God is his
protector, he turns to Him, Who has infinitive mercy,
compassion and forgiveness. If he confronts an adversity, a
plot, a slander or an unexpected circumstance, he keeps in
mind that God is with him, seeing and hearing what the evil
are doing. God is the al-Khabir, the one who has knowledge
of the most hidden of secrets. That is why, none of those
events in life, which would generally be deemed disasters by
disbelievers, are intimidating or discouraging to believers.
Below are some of the verses in which God mentions people
of the past who faced every form of affliction but stood up to