Page 49 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 49


             es of ape and that certainly did not walk  relation to human beings whatsoever.
             upright. 48
               Studies done by another noted evolu-
                                                Autotrophy Nonsense,
             tionist anatomist, Charles E. Oxnard,
             showed that the skeleton of Australopit-
             hecus resembles that of a modern oran-  Since all living organisms need food
             gutan. 49                          to survive, then the first living thing
               The fact that Australopithecus can-  must have had to make its own food. Ac-
             not be considered an ancestor of man is  cording to this view, the first living thing
             accepted even by evolutionist sources.  capable of producing its own nourish-
             The well-known French magazine Sci-  ment was an autotrophic one, and other
             ence et Vie made this the cover story of  living things then emerged from this or-
             its May 1999 issue. The story dealt with  ganism.
             Lucy, the best-known fossil specimen of  However, it is impossible for autot-
             A. afarensis, under the title "Adieu Lucy  rophs to emerge as in the hostile and
             (Goodbye, Lucy)” and detailed the need  simple conditions in early days of this
             to remove Australopithecus from the hu-  Earth. Autotrophs would have to under-
             man family tree. The article was based  go millions of years of changes in order
             on the discovery of a new Australopithe-  to acquire their first complex structure.
             cus, code number St W573:             The autotrophic view maintains that
               A new theory states that the genus Austra-  the first living thing formed as a comp-
               lopithecus is not the root of the human ra-  lex organism in a simple environment.
               ce. . . . The results arrived at by the only  Yet rather than account for the orga-
               woman authorized to examine St W573  nism’s appearance, it actually explains
               are different from the normal theories re-
                                                how this first living thing fed. Since the
               garding mankind's ancestors: this des-
                                                theory fails to account for how the first
               troys the hominid family tree. Large pri-
                                                autotroph came into being, it received
               mates, considered the ancestors of man,
                                                little support. 51
               have been removed from the equation of
               this family tree. . . . Australopithecus and
                                                Avian lungs
               Homo (human) species do not appear on
               the same branch. Man's direct ancestors  (See Origin of Avian lungs, the)
               are still waiting to be discovered. 50
               Australopithecus was nothing more
             than an extinct species of ape, with no

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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