Page 54 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 54


                  vel—is a loud, clear, piercing cry of “de-
                  sign!” The result is so unambiguous and
                  so significant that it must be ranked as
                  one of the greatest achievements in the
                  history of science. This triumph of scien-
                  ce should evoke cries of “Eureka” from
                  ten thousand throats. . . . Instead, a cu-
                  rious, embarrassed silence surrounds
                  the stark complexity of the cell. Why do-
                  es the scientific community not greedily
                  embrace its startling discovery?  52
                  He goes on to define the dilemma:
               To acknowledge an intelligent design
               implies acknowledging God’s existen-
               ce. In these words, Behe declares that
               the perfect design in living things reve-
               als the existence of God.

               Big Bang Theory, the

                  Given the primitive level of 19 -
               century science, materialists of the time
               strongly defended the idea that the uni-
               verse had been in existence forever—in
               other words, that it was not created; that
               there was no design, plan or purpose in
               the universe and that everything in it
               was the result of chance. Eventually,
               however, these claims collapsed in the
               face of scientific discoveries made in
               the 20 th  century.
                  The fact of the expanding universe,
               revealed in 1929 by the American astro-
               nomer Edwin Hubble, gave birth to a
               new model of the universe. Since the
               universe was expanding, then the further
               back in time one went, the smaller the
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