Page 59 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 59


           Boudreaux, Edward                   things from simple species to complex
                                               ones, also known as the Scala naturae,
              A professor of chemistry at Univer-
                                               represented the starting point for the
           sity of New Orleans. Boudreaux regards
                                               evolutionary systems of both de Buffon
           the theory of evolution as an unscientific
                                               and Lamarck. The American historian of
           claim. On 5 July 1998, he participated in
                                               science D. R. Oldroyd describes this re-
           an international conference titled The
           Collapse of the Theory of Evolution:
                                                 In his Histoire Naturelle, Buffon reveals
           The Fact of Creation held by the Science
                                                 himself as an exponent of the doctrine of
           and Research Foundation. At that confe-
                                                 the Great Chain of Being, with man be-
           rence, Boudreaux gave an address, De-
                                                 ing placed at the top of the Chain. . . . La-
           sign in Chemistry, in which he referred  marck held a version of the ancient doc-
           to the chemical elements essential in or-  trine of the Great Chain of Being. Yet, it
           der for life to emerge having been set out  was not conceived as a rigid, static struc-
           by way of creation. As he went on to say,   ture. By their struggle to meet the requ-
                                                 irements of the environment, and with the
              The world we live in, and its natural laws
                                                 help of the principle of the inheritance of
              are very precisely set up by the Creator
              for the benefit of us, humans. 59  acquired characteristics, organisms co-
                                                 uld supposedly work their way up the
                                                 Chain—from microbe to man, so to spe-
                                                 ak. . . .Moreover, new creatures were
           Buffon, Comte de
                                                 constantly appearing at the bottom of the
              The Comte de Buffon was a French   Chain, arising from inorganic matter
           evolutionist and one of the best-known  through spontaneous generation. . . As-
           scientists of the 18th century. He served  cent of the Chain involved a continuous
                                                 process of complexification. 60
           as director of the Royal Zoological gar-
           dens in Paris for more than 50 years. To  From that point of view, the concept
           a large extent Darwin based his     we refer to as the theory of evolution
           theory on the works of de Buf-      was actually born with the ancient Gre-
           fon. One can see most of the          ek myth of the Great Chain. There
           teachings that Darwin emp-            were many evolutionists before Dar-
           loyed in de Buffon’s wide-            win, and the most of their original
           ranging 44-volume                      ideas and so-called proofs were alre-
           study Histoire Natu-                     ady to be found in the Great Chain
           relle.                                    of Being. With de Buffon and
              “The Great Chain                        Lamarck the Great Chain of
           of Being,” Aristotle’s                   Being was presented to the scien-
           classification of living  C Comte de Buffon n  tific world in a new guise, whereu-


           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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