Page 99 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 99


           was to speed up this evolutionary pro-  noring fact that man is an entity created
           cess. That meant that there was no scien-  by God and that all human beings are
           tific reason why these backward races  created equal.
           should not be eliminated right away!  This was another factor that accele-
              Darwin’s racist side revealed itself in  rated the rise of racism and its worldwi-
           several of his writings and analyses. For  de acceptance. The American scientist
           example, in 1871, in describing the nati-  James Ferguson states that there is a di-
           ve people of Tierra del Fuego that he had  rect relation between the rejection of
           seen during the course of his long voya-  creation and the rise of racism:
           ge on the Beagle, he made his racist pre-  The new anthropology soon became a
           conceptions perfectly clear. He depicted  theoretical background between two op-
           them as "wholly nude, submerged in    posed schools of thought on the origin of
           dyes, eating what they find just like wild  humans. The older and more established
           animals, uncontrolled, cruel to every-  of these was 'monogenism,' the belief that
           body out of their tribe, taking pleasure in  all humankind, irrespective of colour and
           torturing their enemies, offering bloody  other characteristics, was directly des-
                                                 cended from Adam and from the single
           sacrifices, killing their children, ill-trea-
                                                 and original act of God's creation. . . .
           ting their wives, full of awkward supers-
                                                 [In the 18th century] opposition to the-
           titions. 111
                                                 ological authority began to fuel the rival
              Yet the researcher W. P. Snow, who
                                                 theory of 'polygenism,' (theory of evoluti-
           had visited the same region ten years  on) which held that different racial com-
           earlier, described those same people as;  munities had different origins. 114
              … powerful looking, strong, fond of their  The Indian anthropologist Lalita Vid-
              children, having inventive handicrafts, bea-
                                               yarthi describes how Darwin’s theory of
              ring the notion of private ownership for so-
                                               evolution imposed racism on the social
              me goods and accepting the authority of  sciences:
              the elder women in the community. 112
                                                 His (Darwin’s) theory of the survival of
              From these examples, it is clear that
                                                 the fittest was warmly welcomed by the
           Darwin was a full-fledged racist. Indeed,  social scientists of the day, and they be-
           as Benjamin Farrington, author of the bo-  lieved humanity had achieved various le-
           ok What Darwin Really Said, puts it, Dar-  vels of evolution culminating in the white
           win made many comments about “the     man’s civilization. By the second half of
           evident nature of the inequality among  the nineteenth century, racism was ac-
           human races” in The Descent of        cepted as fact by the vast majority of
           Man. 113                              Western scientists. 115
              Moreover, Darwin’s theory denied   Many Darwinists after Darwin set
           the existence of God, leading to his ig-  about trying to prove his racist opinions.

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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