Page 103 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 103


           recently dead orangutan. In addition, the  The evolutionist biologist Francisco
           teeth had been deliberately added to the  Ayala admits this:
           jawbone afterwards, arranged and filed in  . . . the genetic variants required for resis-
           order to give the impression they belon-  tance to the most diverse kinds of pestici-
           ged to a human. All the fragments had  des were apparently present in every one
           been later dyed with potassium dichro-  of the populations exposed to these man-
           mate in order to give them an aged appe-  made compounds.  122
           arance. Thereafter, Piltdown Man went  Evolutionist sources are clearly mis-
           down as the greatest scandal in the his-  leading on this subject. From time to ti-
           tory of science. (See Piltdown Man.)  me, certain popular science magazines in
                                               particular portray it as major evidence for
                                               evolution. In fact, however, there is no
           DDT immunity
                                               scientific ground for claiming that in-
              Evolutionists attempt to portray in-  sects’ DDT immunity is the result of evo-
           sects’ growing immunity to DDT as evi-  lution.
           dence for evolution. In reality, DDT im-
           munity develops in much the same way
                                               Denton, Michael
           as bacterial immunity to antibiotics. (See
           Antibiotic Resistance.) There is no qu-  Michael Denton, a molecular biolo-
           estion of a subsequently acquired immu-  gist from the University of Otago in Aus-
           nity to DDT, since some insects already  tralia, examined the theory of evolution
           possess it.                         in the light of various different branches
              Following the invention of DDT, tho-  of science in his 1985 book Evolution: A
           se insects that were exposed to the pesti-  Theory in Crisis, and concluded that Dar-
           cide—and had no immunity to it—died  winism was very far from accounting for
           out. However, those individuals with  life.
           such immunity were initially very low in  In addition, he compared the theory
           number, but survived and gradually mul-  of evolution with scientific findings in
           tiplied in number. As a result, the same  his book and stated
           insect species came to consist of indivi-  that a major contradic-
           duals that all possessed genetic immunity.  tion emerged: The the-
              Naturally, as most of the population  ory of evolution is in a
           of insects came to be made up of immune  state of crisis in a great
           individuals, DDT began to have little ef-  many areas, including
                                               the origin of life, po-
           fect on that species. This process is popu-
                                               pulation genetics,
           larly referred to as “insects becoming im-
                                               comparative anatomy,
           mune to DDT.”

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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