Page 108 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 108
en human beings stem from these letters by 600 zeros! Imagine how many univer-
being arranged differently from one ses it would take to accommodate 10600
another. The arrangement of these mole- DNA chains! 130
cules in DNA determines a person’s Following a small logarithmic calcu-
structure, down to the minutest detail. In lation, in 4 1000 is equivalent to a proba-
addition to features such as height and bility of 1 in 10 600 . That number is 1
the color of the eyes, hair and skin, the followed by 600 zeros. Since 1 followed
blueprints concerning the body’s 206 bo- by 11 zeros equals 1 trillion, it is absolu-
nes, 600 muscles, 100 billion nerve cells tely impossible to conceive of the num-
and 100 trillion cells are all contained in ber represented by 1 and 600 zeros. The
the DNA in any single cell. If you were impossibility of nucleotides coming to-
to put down all the information in DNA gether by chance to constitute DNA and
on paper, you would need to a library of RNA is expressed by the French evolu-
900 volumes of 500 pages each. Yet this tionist scientist Paul Auger:
unimaginable amount of information is We have to sharply distinguish the two
coded in the components of the DNA stages in the chance formation of comp-
known as genes. lex molecules such as nucleotides by che-
Any error arising in the arrangement mical events. The production of nucleoti-
of the nucleotides making up a gene will des one by one—which is possible—and
the combination of these within very spe-
make that gene totally functionless. Bear
cial sequences. The second is absolutely
in mind that there are 40,000 genes in
impossible. 131
the human body, and it seems absolutely
Regarding the formation of DNA,
impossible for the millions of nucleoti-
the Turkish evolutionist Professor Ali
des comprising these genes to have assu-
Demirsoy makes the following admissi-
med their correct order by chance.
Frank Salisbury, an evolutionist bi-
ologist, expresses this impossibility in The chances of a protein and nucleic acid
the following terms: (DNA-RNA) forming are far beyond what
is estimated. In fact, the odds of a speci-
A medium protein might include about
fic protein chain coming about are astro-
300 amino acids. The DNA gene control- 132
nomically small.
ling this would have about 1,000 nucle-
The theory of evolution has not pro-
otidase in its chain. Since there are four
kinds of nucleotidase in a DNA chain, ven any of the evolutionary formations
one consisting of 1,000 links could exist alleged to have taken place at the mole-
in 41000 or 10600. Ten multiplied by it- cular level. As science progresses, far
self 600 times gives the figure 1 followed from producing answers to these questi-