Page 50 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 50

ment belongs to Allah alone.
                 People become pious by avoiding sins, forbidden acts, or
             behavior that does not comply with the Qur’an’s morals.
             Whoever is firmer in living according to good morals, makes
             more effort to help religion, and is more devoted to adhering
             to the religion’s commands increases his or her piety.
                 Pious believers also can be identified by their wisdom.
             Their decisions are right, they find much easier and quicker
             solutions to problems, and their speech is much wiser and
             more impressive. They can perceive aspects of events that
             remain unnoticed by others, and have a much keener aware-
             ness. They do not do things to put themselves forward, but
             display a sincere manner. They do not seek the adulation
             and praise of other people, but only Allah’s good pleasure.
             Regardless of the situation, they always observe the limits
             set by Allah. People who possess all of these features may be
             expected to have a high degree of righteousness. However,
             one still cannot form a definite opinion concerning another’s
             degree of piety or level of faith in relationship to other peo-
             ple, for all such evaluations are only superficial, being based
             upon what is seen from the outside. Peoples’ true faith, de-
             votion, sincerity, and nearness to Allah is known only by

                 45. Can one person bear another’s burden and
                 be punished for him or her in the Hereafter?

                 The Qur’an states that such a situation is not possible, for
             every person is responsible for his or her actions and will be
             judged in Allah’s presence. This is so because Allah has
             given each person a conscience that distinguishes between
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