Page 51 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 51

right and wrong and always calls him or her to seek Allah’s
             good pleasure. Furthermore, by sending a book to teach
             them what is right and wrong, and communicating His reli-
             gion through His Messengers, He has warned all people
             against the punishment of Hell. Those who turn away from
             the truth after all of these warnings make their individual
             choices by their free will, reasoning, and desires. Each one of
             them will be held accountable for their ultimate decision.
             The Qur’an proclaims this, as follows:
                 No one can bear another’s burden. If someone weighed
                 down calls for help to bear his load, nothing of it will
                 be carried, even if he should be his close relative. You
                 can only warn those who fear their Lord in the Unseen
                 and establish prayer. Whoever is purified, is purified
                 for himself alone. Allah is your final destination.
                 (Surah Fatir, 18)
                 In another verse, Allah informs humanity that those who
             drive people to wrongdoing by promising what they cannot
             deliver are liars, and warns humanity about them, as follows:
                 Those who do not believe say to those who believe:
                 "Follow our way, and we will bear the weight of your
                 mistakes." They will not bear the weight of a single one
                 of their mistakes. Truly they are liars. (Surat al-
                 `Ankabut, 12)

                 46. How can Islam and the Qur’an be
                 conveyed to others?

                 Religion is best conveyed to a person by communicating
             it both verbally and physically. By explaining the religion’s

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