Page 122 - Das Wunder der Termiten
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120                   DAS WUNDER DER TERMITEN


                   1 http//
                   2 Karl Von Frish, Animal Architecture, Harcourt Brace, New York, S.124.
                   3 Michael Scott, The Young Oxford Book of Ecology, Oxford University

              Press, Italy, 1995, S. 39.
                   4 Christopher O'Toole, The Encylopedia of Insects, Facts On File
              Publication, New York, 1986, S. 35.
                   6 Karl Von Frish, Animal Architecture, Harcourt Brace, New York, S. 137.
                   7 Charles Darwin (1859), On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural
              Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, John
              Murrey, London: 1967, S. 242.
                   8 Joachim Scheven, Creation, March-May 1996, S. 24-25.

                   9 Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni, Ankara, 1996 Onur Yayinlari, S. 304.
                   10 Prof. Ali Demirsoy, Yasamin Temel Kurallari Genel Biyoloji/Genel
              Zooloji, Band I, Ankara, 1993, S. 605.
                   11 Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution, 1902, Band I.
                   12 Bilim ve Teknik Görsel Bilim ve Teknik Ansiklopedisi, Görsel
              Yayinlar, Band I, Istanbul, 1986, S. 289.
                   13 C.B.P.C. Publishing Ltd., Hayvanlar Ansiklopedisi, Böcekler, S. 186.

                   14 Görsel Bilim ve Teknik Ansiklopedisi, S. 290-291.
                   16 Görsel Bilim ve Teknik Ansiklopedisi,  S. 291.
                   17 Görsel Bilim ve Teknik Ansiklopedisi,  S. 289.
                   19 John Scatt Saunders, Chemical Wars, Baltimore: Science Books
              Limited, Ekim 1988, S. 271-276.
                   20 Bilim ve Teknik Görsel Bilim ve Teknik Ansiklopedisi, Görsel
              Yayinlar, Band I, Istanbul, 1986, S. 289.
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