Page 20 - Love of Allah
P. 20
them, and will try to treat
them in the same manner.
However, some people for-
get that only Allah can make people hap-
py, treat them with respect, offer them good suste-
nance and blessings, create pleasing views for them,
grant them a new lease on life every morning, protect
them from all dangers, cure them when they are ill, ease
their pain and suffering through medicine, and that He
owns everything that exists. Therefore, as all of the bless-
ings and goodness that people experience come only
from Allah, they should direct all of their love, respect,
sense of obligation, loyalty, and thanks to Him. While
thanking others for their help, we should never forget
that our Lord has inspired them to show us mercy and
help us. Allah informs us that:
To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and
Earth. He gives life and causes to die. You have no
protector or helper besides Allah. (Surat at-Tawba,
The Prophet Abraham's (as) supplication to Allah,
which highlights His mercy upon humanity, is related in
the Qur'an:
"He Who created me and guides me, Who gives me
food and drink. When I am ill, He heals me. He will
cause my death and then give me life." (Surat ash-
Shu'ara', 78-82)