Page 21 - Love of Allah
P. 21


                                      FERVENT LOVE OF


                                        ADNAN OKTAR: One must love
                                   Allah with a mad, passionate soul.
                                  With fervor. When we first wake up in
                                the morning, Allah, Whom we love with
                              that great passion, must immediately come to
                           our minds, and we will start the day with this joy
         and happiness, in that festival spirit and joy. Because we are under
         the control of an infinite mind, an infinite power and an infinite com-
         passion, as we are His servants. This is an extraordinary reason for re-
         joicing, and we see His blessings at all times and in all places. And our
         lovely Allah has prepared eternal Paradise for us. Of course the joy of this
         will enfold people's hearts, and we must never forget it, not even for a mo-
         ment. We must live each moment, from morning until night, in a festive
         spirit of rejoicing, and must even experience the joy of Allah in our dreams.
         If we live by that joy, it will even affect us in our dreams. (Tempo TV,
         December 24, 2008)
             ADNAN OKTAR: Of course we do not know whether we will go to
         Paradise or Hell, but how terrible to say one will just rot back into the ground.
         One must say one has a passionate love of Allah, and one will even love Him
         in Hell, as a passionate lover, and wander round in Hell with the words
         "Allah, Allah" on one's lips. Why should I wish to cease to exist? What does
         non-existence mean? It means severing the link between Allah and me. It
         means forgetting Allah. The passionate lover will recite the taqbir and re-
         member Allah with all his might, out of love of Allah, whether he is in
         Paradise or Hell. One cannot abandon Allah. The Companions call on Allah
         as their arms are cut. A Muslim burns with the love of Allah. He may go to
         Hell or the fire. But one can never abandon Allah. (Kocaeli TV, January 23,

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