Page 25 - Not by Chance
P. 25


                          he universe with all its creations, both animate and
            T             inanimate, has a flawless design, unique systems, and

                          an ordered balance that provide all the conditions nec-
                          essary for living things to survive. Discoveries, espe-
            cially those made in the 20th and 21st centuries, have shown that the
            flawless design of the universe is clearly the work of a supreme intel-
            ligence. It is God, with His supreme intelligence, limitless knowledge
            and eternal power, Who created the universe.
                 But this fact, established with clear proofs by 20th-century sci-
            ence, is ignored by those who have adopted the Darwinist-Materialist
            philosophy. Materialists may claim that the universe is the product of
            chance and chaos, but when we examine the flawless systems that
            functioned in forming the universe, not to mention the balance and
            harmony existing among its living things, we clearly see that it cannot
            be the product of chance.
                 In The Mysterious Universe, the English physicist Sir James Jeans
            describes the flawless order in the cosmos:
                 A scientific study of the universe has suggested a conclusion,
                 which may be summed up ... in the statement that the universe ap-
                 pears to have been designed by a pure mathematician. 2
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