Page 293 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 293



                  Shamanism is a belief of ignorance. Just as the Arabs worshipped
             idols, perversely ascribing beings other than Allah with powers that
             were only attributable to him, Shamans went astray by ascribing divin-
             ity to mountains, rocks, soil and fire within their mythological beliefs.
                  It is a quality of ignorance not to reflect. Idol worshippers or peo-
             ple who perversely ascribe partners to Allah cannot comprehend, or in

             other words ponder, that all things in nature are Allah’s creation, that
             they have no will or power by themselves. All people who perversely
             worshipped the Fire, Sun or Moon got stuck in this irrationality. Allah
             reveals in the Qur’an the irrationality of people who worship the creat-
             ed like the Sun or Moon:
                  Among His Signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do
                  not prostrate to the sun nor to the moon. Prostrate to Allah Who cre-
                  ated them, if you worship Him. (Surah Fussilat: 37)

                  China, following centuries of Shamanism’s domination of the
             lands, became the home for three further superstitious religions which
             are still widely practiced. These are Buddhism, Taoism and
             Confucianism. These pagan religions were greatly influenced by one
             another and interchanged traditions and practices. For this reason

             many researchers choose to examine these perverse religions together.
             One of these is Buddhism, which initially emerged in India in the 6th
             Century BC as an alternative to Hinduism. By the time it had made its
             way into China, it had fused together with other Chinese religious con-
             cepts and became therefore known as Chinese Buddhism. We have ex-
             amined the erroneous practices of Buddhism, with its perverse worship

                                  Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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