Page 324 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 324


                      hroughout the course of this book we have looked at many hereti-
                      cal traditions and superstitions belonging to Far Eastern religions.
                      We have seen, for example, how Hindu tradition encourages the
                      burning of women and the burying of female children while they
               are still alive. However, Far Eastern religions actually play host to far
               wider ranging scenes of savagery. One of these is what happens during
               the “Vegetarian Festival” in the Chinese region of Phuket.
               The aim of this peculiar festival, which has taken place on a regular ba-
               sis every year since the early 19th century, is to pay respects to the sup-
               posed Chinese gods. These nonsensical displays of “respect” involve ter-
               rible practices that it is difficult even to look at. The reason why the
               event is called the “Vegetarian Festival” is that people refrain from eat-
               ing meat and consume only fruit and vegetables during the 9 days it
               lasts. The Chinese hold the superstitious belief that in this way they can
               cleanse their souls and bodies of evil.
               Throughout the festival, people misled into thinking that imaginary
               “spirits have entered their bodies” pierce their cheeks, tongues or other
               parts of their bodies. They then insert knives, sticks, various metal ob-
               jects, tree branches or other such objects into these holes. Everyone’s face
               is covered in blood. The Chinese public, blindly devoted to their pervert-
               ed traditions, watch this savage ritual with great amazement. These peo-
               ple wander round the streets, eating what people offer them. According
               to this ridiculous Chinese belief, anyone touching these individuals will
               be cured of sickness and receive positive energy. These people, in a state
               of trance, lose all control of themselves and walk on fire, walk up steps
               made out of sharpened knives, pour boiling oil over themselves, and gen-
               erally torture themselves for 9 days. They say that they inflict these tor-
               tures for the sake of their supposed gods, and that their souls and bodies
               are purified by means of them. These people are so devoid of reason and
               logic as to claim their souls can be cleansed by plunging skewers into
               their cheeks. The fact is, however, that the human soul can only draw
               apart from evil and attain a pure conscience through the will bestowed by
               fear of Allah, proper moral virtues and profound faith. Superstitious be-
               liefs to the contrary, on the other hand, are the natural consequence of the
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