Page 346 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 346
telling and mediums are part of that culture. Beliefs of karma, reincar-
nation, reiki, feng shui, astral body projection, clairvoyance and exor-
cism by means of magic spells are yet other symbols of the New Age
movement. Today, these terms are widely recognizable because of the
propaganda activities carried out by materialists. Some of these erro-
neous beliefs can be listed as follows:
Sorcery and magic are important in the New Age movement. All
the magic rituals of the superstitious Far Eastern religions, sorcery
based pagan beliefs like Shamanism, and every kind of twisted oc-
cultism have been revived by this idolatrous movement. Fortune
telling and sorcery are evil and immoral acts forbidden by Allah Who
says in the Surat al-Ma’ida: “You who believe! Wine and gambling,
stone altars and divining arrows are filth from the handiwork of sa-
tan. Avoid them completely so that hopefully you will be success-
ful.” (Surat al-Ma’ida: 90) It is related in verses that the Prophet
Moses’s (pbuh) encounter with magicians is as follows: “… Magicians
are not successful.” (Surah Yunus: 77) “… Magicians do not prosper
wherever they go.” (Surah Ta Ha: 69) In other words, those who be-
lieve that sorcery will bring them happiness, prosperity, salvation or
success are wrong, because unless Allah wills it it is impossible for any
man benefit or harm anyone else. Allah reveals the following in the
Surat al-Baqara:
… People learned from them how to separate a man and his wife
but they cannot harm anyone by it, except with Allah's permission.
They have learned what will harm them and will not benefit them.
They know that any who deal in it will have no share in the here-
after. What an evil thing they have sold themselves for if they only
knew! (Surat al-Baqara: 102)
Fortune telling, consulting the tarot and contacting spirits are a
fraud; outlandish claims of being able to foresee the future by means of
Islam And Far Eastern Religions