Page 350 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 350


               the sorcery-based religion of Shamanism. Shamans also claim falsely
               that they can heal people with their powers being derived from magic

               and the incantation of spells. These are nonsensical beliefs that anyone
               invested with even a small modicum of common sense can easily dis-
               cern as nothing but a gigantic fraud, because it is not possible for any-
               one to heal anyone else unless Allah wills it. It is only Allah Who is
               “The Intercessor". He has the attribute of healing by which He does
               away with illness. Unless Allah wills it, no doctor on earth, no techno-
               logical innovation and not even the latest wonder drugs, combined
               with all the false beliefs of Far Eastern religions, can heal the sick per-

               son. The Prophet Abraham’s (pbuh) wholehearted prayer is revealed in
               the Qur’an:
                   And when I am ill, it is He Who heals me; (Surat ash-Shu‘ara’, 80)
                   The heretical practices of the New Age movement are too numer-
               ous to be recounted in full. The belief in the healing powers of stones
               and minerals are some of these. Followers of this erroneous belief be-
               lieve that quartz crystals are very effective in magic and healing. It is al-

               so believed that hematite can give the power of correct decision mak-
               ing, that diamonds cleanse the body from negative energy, and that
               corals prevent the evil eye. Many other kinds of stones and minerals are
               accredited with such imaginary powers; in truth, all these beliefs are
               false and nonsensical. It is most certainly impossible that a stone or any
               other object can protect someone, empower them in any way, or de-
               stroy negative influences. No man can prevent harm irrespective of
               how hard he tries, or no matter what method he employs unless it is the

               will of Allah. The only Protector is the most compassionate Allah. In
               the Qur’an He reveals:
                   Say: “Who rescues you from the darkness of the land and sea? You
                   call on Him humbly and secretly: ‘If you rescue us from this, we

                                 Islam And Far Eastern Religions
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