Page 90 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 90


            not be relaxed and at peace in the true sense because they have ex-
            cluded themselves from the tranquility which faith would bring
            them. They also make those around them uncomfortable.
                The reactions of believers are always heartfelt and sincere be-
            cause they have the joy of faith. Their actions and behavior bring
            great calm and cheer to those around them because they always act
            on the basis of their devotion to Allah. For this reason everybody
            takes great pleasure from discussion and friendship with a believer
            because only believers possess sincerity, honesty and happiness in
            the true sense. Because of this incomparable blessing which A l l a h
            has given them, believers are the only people who take pleasure
            from life and enjoy themselves and celebrate in the full meaning of
            the word because they know that everything is by the decree of
            Allah. Allah explains this in the following verse of the Qur'an:
                Say: "Nothing can happen to us except what Allah has or-
                dained for us. He is Our Master. It is in Allah that the be-
                lievers should put their trust." (Surat at-Tawba: 51)
                People who suffer difficulty and anxiety because of the igno-
            rance and immorality which govern their way of life, do not experi-
            ence the pleasure of enjoying themselves in the real sense because of
            the deep spiritual unease which disturbs their inner beings. Even if
            a person seems to be laughing and enjoying himself, he only thinks
            he is doing so. He paints a false picture of fun and happiness be-
            cause he cannot forget the troubles and problems he meets in daily
            life. Wherever he goes and whatever he does, he is unable to enjoy
            himself wholeheartedly because he is constantly plagued by worry
            and anxiety.
                The unhappiness of such people is so deep that when they meet
            someone who is able to smile sincerely it causes them great discom-
            fort because they cannot be like that themselves. The cheerfulness

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