Page 92 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 92


            they can hold a powerful position by becoming rich or achieving a
            status in which those around them will look up to them.
                For example, a person who believes in the power of money to
            achieve anything he wants, does everything he can to acquire it.
            H o w e v e r, he continually ignores something very important; spiri-
            tual strength. Spiritual strength depends on the closeness of a per-
            son to Allah. People who live in the community of the ignorant can
            sink into a hopeless and pessimistic spiritual state at times of the
            slightest difficulty no matter how strong they are in material terms
            and because of this they lose whatever joie de vivrthey possess.
                As a result of losing their zest for life and the will to succeed,
            nothing remains of their strength and resistance when they face dif-
            ficult situations. Naturally, this spiritual loss of strength is reflected
            in a negative way in their lives, their actions and their behavior. As
            they cannot find within themselves the strength and willpower to
            go anywhere or do anything, they develop a lazy and impotent na-
            t u re.  They  avoid  making  any  effort  and  always  set  their  faces
            against any activity which could benefit them. In fact, they feel no
            desire to do anything very much even if it might be to their advan-
            tage because of this oppressive weariness and lethargy.
                We can compare the state of these people to that of somebody
            very old. Even if they appear young, because of this lack of strength
            their low spirits cause them to behave like elderly people. They have
            aged not physically, but spiritually. For an elderly person, loss of
            s t rength, tiredness and the need to rest regularly are perfectly nor-
            mal. Sometimes, though, we even see elderly people who are dy-
            namic and active just like youngsters. This is because even though
            their bodies have aged, their spirits remain active and dynamic. The
            people we are talking about are the exact opposite. Although they
            may be young, they have fallen into the state described above and

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