Page 58 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 58


                                      IS A TALE!

                              The completion of the human's gene map today does not yield
                          the result that man and ape are relatives. One need not be deceived
                        by evolutionists' attempts to exploit this new scientific development
                                                  just as they have done with all others.

                           s we know, the recent completion of the human gene map
                           within the scope of the Human Genome Project was a very
              A important scientific advance. However, some results of this
              project are being distorted in some evolutionist publications. It is claimed
              that the chimpanzee genes bear a 98% similarity to human genes and
              this is promoted as evidence for the claim that apes are related to humans,
              thus bearing out the theory of evolution. In truth, this is a "fake" piece of

              evidence put forward by evolutionists who take advantage of the lack of
              knowledge about this subject in society.

                   98 % Similarity Claim is Misleading Propaganda
                   First, it should be stated that the concept of 98% similarity between
              human and chimpanzee DNA frequently advanced by evolutionists is
                   In order to claim that the genetic make-up of man and chimpanzee
              have a 98% similarity, the genome of the chimpanzee also has to be
              mapped, just like that of man, the two have to be compared, and the result

              of this comparison has to be obtained. However, no such result is
              available, because so far, only the human gene has been mapped. No such
              research has yet been done on the chimpanzee.
                   In reality, the 98% similarity between human and chimpanzee genes,
              which now and then enters the agenda, is a propaganda-oriented slogan
              deliberately invented years ago. This similarity is an extraordinarily

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