Page 56 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 56

Matter which contains information is
                                               ordered by the possessor of that
                                               information. The information in DNA has
                                               been designed and created by God, the
                                               possessor of matchless intelligence.
                                              that every piece of creative information
                                              represents some mental effort and can be
                                              traced to a personal idea-giver who
                                              exercised his own free will, and who is
                                              endowed with an intelligent mind.... There
                                              is no known law of nature, no known
                                              process and no known sequence of events
                                              which can cause information to originate
                                              by itself in matter... 17
                                                   Werner Gitt's words summarise
                                              the conclusions of  "information
                                              theory," which has been developed in
                                              the last 50 years and is accepted as a
                                              part of thermodynamics. Information
                                              theory investigates the origin and
              nature of the information in the universe. The conclusion reached by the
              information theoreticians as a result of long studies is that "Information
              is something different from matter. It can never be reduced to matter.
              The origin of information and physical matter must be investigated
                   For instance, let us think of the source of a book. A book consists of
              paper, ink, and the information it contains. Paper and ink are material
              elements. Their source is again matter: Paper is made of cellulose, and ink
              of certain chemicals. However, the information in the book is nonmaterial
              and cannot have a material source. The source of the information in each
              book is the mind of the person who wrote it.
                   Moreover, this mind determines how paper and ink will be used. A
              book initially forms in the mind of the writer. The writer builds a chain of
              logic in his mind, and orders his sentences. As a second step, he puts them
              into a material form, which is to say that he translates the information in

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