Page 51 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 51
If you leave a bus unattended in the desert it will gradually fall apart and lose all its
features. The next time you look, you see the tyres have burst, the windows have broken,
the bodywork is rusted and the engine has failed. This inevitable process happens even
faster in living things. In the same manner, all systems in the universe fall apart without
conscious intervention.
tendency expressed in the Second Law complex organic molecule can ever form
of Thermodynamics. Where the Second spontaneously, but will rather
Law expresses an irreversible disintegrate, in agreement with the
progression toward increased entropy second law. Indeed, the more complex it
and disorder, life evolves continually is, the more unstable it will be, and the
higher levels of order. 2 more assured, sooner or later, its
disintegration. Photosynthesis and all
The evolutionist author Roger Lewin
life processes, and even life itself, cannot
expresses the thermodynamic impasse of
yet be understood in terms of
evolution in an article in Science:
thermodynamics or any other exact
One problem biologists have faced is the
science, despite the use of confused or
apparent contradiction by evolution of 4
deliberately confusing language.
the second law of thermodynamics.
As we have seen, the second law of
Systems should decay through time,
thermodynamics constitutes an
giving less, not more, order. 3
insurmountable obstacle for the scenario of
Another defender of the theory of
evolution, in terms of both science and
evolution, George Stravropoulos, states the logic. Unable to offer any scientific and
thermodynamic impossibility of the consistent explanation to overcome this
spontaneous formation of life and the obstacle, evolutionists can only do so in
impossibility of explaining the existence of their imagination. For instance, the well-
complex living mechanisms by natural known evolutionist Jeremy Rifkin notes
laws in the well-known evolutionist his belief that evolution overwhelms this
journal American Scientist: law of physics with a "magical power:"
Yet, under ordinary conditions, no The Entropy Law says that evolution