Page 47 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 47

How could an RNA chain in the
            primordial world have taken such a decision,
            and what methods could it have employed to
            make protein production happen by doing the
            work of 50 macromolecular components on its
            own? Evolutionists have no answer to these
                 Dr. Leslie Orgel, one of the associates of
            Stanley Miller and Francis Crick from the
            University of California at San Diego, uses the
                                                                    Dr. Leslie Orgel
            term "scenario" for the possibility of "the
            origination of life through the RNA world." Orgel described what kind of
            features this RNA would have had to have and how impossible these
            would have been in his article, "The Origin of Life," published in American
            Scientist in October 1994:
                 This scenario could have occurred, we noted, if prebiotic RNA had two
                 properties not evident today: A capacity to replicate without the help of
                 proteins and an ability to catalyze every step of protein synthesis. 14
                 As should by now be clear, to expect these two complex and
            extremely essential processes from a molecule such as RNA is only
            possible from the evolutionist's viewpoint and with the help of his power
            of imagination. Concrete scientific facts, on the other hand, make it
            explicit that the "RNA World" hypothesis, which is a new model proposed
            for the chance formation of life, is an equally implausible fable.

                 Life Cannot Be Explained by the
                 Coming Together of Lifeless Molecules
                 Let us forget all the impossibilities for a moment and suppose that a
            protein molecule was formed in the most inappropriate, most
            uncontrolled environment such as the primordial earth conditions.
                 The formation of only one protein would not be sufficient; this
            protein would have to wait patiently in this uncontrolled environment

                                DNA: The Data Source of Life                45
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