Page 48 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 48
without sustaining any damage, until another molecule was formed
beside it by chance under the same conditions. It would have to wait until
millions of correct and essential proteins were formed side by side in the
same setting all "by chance." Those that formed earlier had to be patient
enough to wait, without being destroyed despite ultraviolet rays and
harsh mechanical effects, for the others to be formed right next to them.
Then these proteins in adequate number, which all originated at the very
same spot, would have to come together by making meaningful
combinations and form the organelles of the cell. No extraneous material,
harmful molecule, or useless protein chain would have to interfere with
them. Then, even if these organelles were to come together in an
extremely harmonious and co-operative way with a plan and order, they
should have to bring all the necessary enzymes close to themselves and
become covered with a membrane, the inside of which would have to be
filled with a special liquid to prepare the ideal environment for them.
46 The Miracle of Creation in DNA