Page 43 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 43
Another example of evolutionists' helplessness:
The "RNA World" Scenario
Ever since the start of the 20th century, evolutionists have developed
various theories to explain how the first living cell emerged. The Russian
biologist Alexander Oparin, who proposed the first evolutionary thesis on
the subject, suggested that in the primitive world of hundreds of millions
of years ago, a series of coincidental chemical reactions led to first of all
proteins, and that cells were then born when these came together.
Discoveries made in the 1970s showed that even the most fundamental
assumptions of this claim, which Oparin made in the 1930s, were
mistaken. Oparin's "primitive world atmosphere" scenario contained the
gases methane and ammonia to allow the formation of organic molecules.
However, it was realized that the hypothesis of an early methane-
ammonia atmosphere is without solid foundation and indeed is
contradicted, and that the early atmophere contained a large amount of
oxygen which destroys organic molecules as they form.
This was a big blow to the theory of molecular evolution.
Evolutionists then had to face the fact that the "primitive atmosphere
experiments" by Stanley Miller, Sidney Fox and Cyril Ponnamperuma
and others were invalid. For this reason, in the 1980s evolutionists tried
again. As a result, "RNA World" hypothesis was advanced. This scenario
proposed that, not proteins, but rather the RNA molecules that contained
the information for proteins were formed first. According to this scenario
advanced by Harvard chemist Walter Gilbert in 1986, billions of years ago
an RNA molecule capable of
replicating itself, formed
somehow by accident. Then
this RNA molecule started to
produce proteins, having
When the Urey-Miller experiment
was invalidated, evolutionists
had to embark on a new search.
DNA: The Data Source of Life 41